Meet Brodie Swanson, Haida Tourism's Executive Chef


Executive chef Kil Tlaa'sgaa Brodie Swanson

Executive chef Kil Tlaa'sgaa Brodie Swanson

Executive chef Kil Tlaa'sgaa Brodie Swanson will be returning to his hometown this year when Ocean House relocates to a bay just outside of Gaw Tlagee Old Massett, Tlaga Gawtlaas New Town; on the northern tip of Xaaydaga Gwaay.yaay linaGwaay Graham Island.

The Yahgulanaas Raven Clan member, who spent much of his childhood picking seaweed, digging for razor clams and collecting sea urchins with his family, uses traditional ingredients and techniques to showcase Xaayda Gwaay.yaay’s Haida Gwaii’s rich heritage. Brodie’s raved-about seafood fritters, stuffed with rock scallops, octopus, razor clams, cockles, spot prawns, herring roe, smoked cod and local seaweed, are just one example of how he draws from the memories of his youth.

Passionate about rediscovering the flavour profile of his ancestors, Brodie boldly shares Xaayda Haida culture by harnessing the bounty of land and sea. Creating inventive dishes by casting aside the techniques used in western cuisine ignites Brodie’s soul, and the result is exquisite. As Indigenous culture drives every guest experience at both Ocean House and Haida House, Chef Brodie – whose Haida name (Kil Tlaa'sgaa) means strong voice – is the ultimate culinary ambassador.

Brodie’s elaborate tide-to-table creations at Ocean House feature locally caught Ocean Wise fish and seafood – like wild Chinook and Coho salmon, halibut, lingcod, clams, scallops and Dungeness crab – complemented by locally-sourced ingredients. At Haida House, his focus is on forest- and farm-to-table.

Chef Brodie’s impressive career highlights include Vancouver’s Salmon n’ Bannock and working under Chef Robert Belcham at Campagnolo.

Visit our property profiles online to learn more and book your authentic Xaayda Gwaay.yaay Haida Gwaii experience.


Proud To Be Authentic Indigenous


New for 2020: Oceanside Cabins