Guest Information
Resources + Trip Preparation.
We can’t wait to welcome you.
Your adventure on Haida Gwaii is right around the corner, and we're looking forward to your arrival. Here are a few helpful reminders that will assist in preparing for your stay with us. If you have questions, you may discover the answer you are looking for on the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Guest Information Form
We can't wait to welcome you to Haida Gwaii. Please ensure that we have received your guest information form, so we can prepare for your arrival. Please submit your details to us using the online form on our website.
How To Get Here.
Haida House at Tllaal is located in Tlell and Ocean House at Tlaga Gawtlaas is near Old Massett. Flights to Sandspit and Masset are available from Vancouver and BC Ferries also provides a regularly scheduled ferry service to Skidegate from Prince Rupert.
Haida Gwaii Pledge
Haida Gwaii is a spectacular place full of life and culture. Everyone in Haida Territories shares a responsibility to care for the Air, Ocean, Land and People. If you are planning to come to our Island home, please visit to educate yourself about how to be a respectful visitor and take the pledge to do so.
Haida Gwaii Visitor Orientation
This presentation by the Council of the Haida Nation is intended for anyone who will be spending any amount of time on Haida Gwaii and would like to learn more about our Islands and people.
Local Weather.
Be prepared for the variety of weather patterns you may encounter on Haida Gwaii, which can quickly change from one end of the Island to the other.
Guest Airport Pick up.
If arriving by air (package bookings only), you will be booked on the Haida Tourism Shuttle bus for transportation from the airport to the resort.
The Latest News.
Wondering what's new at Haida Tourism? Our blog is your go-to source for updates, resources, and fascinating information on Haida Gwaii.

Do You Still Have Questions or Need More Information?
Call our guest Service team at 1.888.602.0989 or complete the Contact form at the link below.
INCLUDED IN 3, 4 and 7-night package stays ONLY
The Haida Tourism shuttle bus will be waiting for you outside the Sandspit Airport arrival doors. Please let our staff know you have arrived while waiting for your bags, as we have a tight timeline to catch the ferry to Graham Island. It is a 20-minute drive to the ferry, followed by a 20-minute sailing. After disembarking the ferry, it is 30-minute drive to the Haida House or 80 minutes to the Ocean House.
The shuttle will be waiting for you outside the Masset Airport arrival doors. Please let our staff know you have arrived while waiting for your bags. The trip from the airport will take approximately 50 minutes to the Haida House or 15 minutes to the Ocean House.